We made it. The new album is done, the songs are on line, the CD's arrive tomorrow and our first show, since recording, is this Saturday at Bradford Beach on Lake Michigan. We want to thank friends, fans and family for the support and help throughout this process. All of the great feedback and advise we received along the way helped make this album turn out as well as it did. We are proud of the record and excited to share it with you.
To celebrate we have created a sweet little six song EP sampler that you can download for just $1.00. It includes the four songs that we released during tracking and mixing, as well as two bonus songs. If you downloaded earlier you can get the new versions now for free by following the song links. The old ones have been removed and replaced by the final mastered versions.
If six songs just is not enough, here are the links to the album for iTunes users and Rhapsody users. Both services should allow previews and single song purchases too.
Regardless how or where you get the album we would like to encourage you to share it with others. Feel free to copy or burn at will.
The event we are playing this Saturday is Jigglesfest, an event started by Marquette University students 25 years ago. It is held right at the beach house at the pavilion in the sand. It is the last event of the summer for Bradford Beach and last year they were blowing out their some really nice beers for $2 a pop. We will play at 3:00 and are followed immediately by our good friends Moloko Shivers. The full line up of bands and other great beach events happening that day can be found at the beach website: http://bradfordbeachjam.com/
The music runs in to the night and when the sun goes down they fire up bonfires on the beach. The whole band will be hanging at the beach, so come on out for the day and crack a few beers with us. Mention you saw this post and we might just have some free merch for you!